Friday, January 30, 2009

Week in Review

highlights of the week: Settlers of Catan with the Tangedahls. My Bible reading becoming a desire, not just a "have-to." Uncle Ben and Auntie Leah visiting on Sunday. Rearranging three rooms in our house. Emails from old friends. Finding a surprise date for my wife.

lowlights of the week: not being able to find the keys to my in-laws trailer. Family issues.

on my to-do list: mail hold while we are on our marriage retreat, packing for our marriage retreat, finishing our go to financial spreadsheet.

procrastinating about: shower yuck as Nichole now has it on my todo list (I don't think that is getting finished until after Colorado).

books i’m reading: I finished Rebuilding Your Broken World, and Restoring the Fallen. I am now reading Perfect Daughters, and Can't Be Satisfied: The Life and Times of Muddy Waters.

music i'm listening to: iTunes made a mistake with one of my purchases, so I had three free songs given to me. I downloaded Matthew West, The Motions, and Jon Foreman, White As Snow, with two of them. These songs have great meaning with where I am at in my journey.

anecdote of the week:
I was at church this week meeting with Gordie and we received a gift from someone who had done some community service hours at our facility. She presented us a with a jello desert made to look like Gummi Bears on the Beach. It was very cool.

A thank you gift from someone who did community service at CC... on TwitPic


John and Sandra Golling said...

one of your highlights was "finding a surprise date for your wife." So, who was the "date"?

John and Sandra Golling said...

John, that's pretty bad when your wife has to put "shower" on your to-do list. How long has it been since you've taken one?

Anonymous said...

Dear John and Nichole,

Nic and I are praying for your marriage retreat (I did once; hopefully, I'll remember to keep praying. I've got kind of a one-track mind lately. Gotta get over that!!)

We, too, are wondering about the shower and the date for your wife thing, but figured maybe we didn't know each other well enough for you to disclose that info, yet! Nic wanted me to tell you that if you're going to put off taking a shower for 6 weeks, he'd be glad to help you fix it (seriously).

Have a great marriage retreat!
Tana (Nic, too) Stallone
P.S. How do I get that jello recipe? Thanks.